When you can't decide - Rockerboard or Spectra Rocker?


When you're trying to choose between a Rocker board and a Spectra swing. This article will give you a hand.

Sometimes deciding can be deceiving.

Let's compare.





+3 years

Load 200 kg

Treatment - oil or varnish


Swinging - lying, sitting, kneeling, standing

Sliding - on your bum, supported by a chair or a sofa

Crawling under under

Climbing over

Hiding behind

It´s a table, a chair, a step, a gate, an obstacle, a house, ….


And what about the fingers? Do they get caught?

Yes, kids' fingers can get caught. That's why we recommend starting with the Rockerboard on a soft surface. And your trust in the child.

To most kids it won't happen again. And if so, it's more about the shock than the pain.


Children start to be interested in it around the age of three. It depends on the child's character. Careful little girls get interested a bit later.

It will be used daily at a younger age too, but mostly in a static position, as a bridge. Kids will climb over it and slide down it.

They will run over it. Let's not push them. It's hard to have a balancing tool under your feet shortly after you have learned to walk.

Younger siblings are interested in the rocking chair much earlier. Our son started using it, when he was 7 months old and he started crawling. He climbed up the plank hill and slid down on his bum.


Colour versions are here




Spectra Rocker


+1 year

Load 60 kg

Treatment - varnish


Swinging - lying, kneeling, sitting

Crawling under

Climbing over

Hiding behind

It's a shop counter, a hideaway, a rainbow house,...


And what about the handles and the gaps between the planks?

They are designed safely. They serve for development of motor and haptic skills, when the child climbs over the Spectra. And they are ok when swinging too. They have sophisticated design, which ensures, that the child will not get hurt. They are at a safe distance from one another and from the swinging part.

The handle serves for comfortable holding. The children can grasp it in the width they need, which keeps their shoulders in the right position, without rotating them out.

The Spectra Rocker is certified for children from 1 year of age.


Spectra is especially interesting for adults. We know exactly what to do with it. Swing. But the kids will come up with many other ideas.

It is definitely a better choice for younger children. It's suitable from the moment, when they can sit alone and they can get into it. They are happy. They quickly get the right grip of it and start swinging.

Help them to turn the Spectra over and let the kids crawl under it and climb over it. Suddenly, you have a small playground at home.

Put it on the side and play at a shopping game.

Or simply watch the children and see what they will come up with.


Colour versions are here





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